A Redesign of The Daily Texan's Instagram

social media 

graphic design

As the digital designer for The Daily Texan, I was tasked with creating Breaking News, Issue, and General News templates for Instagram, along with specialty graphics for podcasts, important events, and hiring posts. 

Before designing, I researched several student-run newspapers and news publications in order to better understand how to create a cohesive set of templates and specialty graphics for Instagram. Upon finishing my research and looking back on The Daily Texan's past social media posts, I laid out the three criteria I must meet with the templates and specialty graphics: accessibility, simplicity, and consistency. 

Using Canva, I was able to develop template sets and specialty graphics that met each of the criteria. By doing so, interactions with The Daily Texan's posts on Instagram increased their reach by 36% and profile visits by 29.7% over the course of 5 months, upon implementation. 

To see these graphics in use, view them on The Daily Texan's Instagram.

Using Format